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  【IT168 资讯】微软MSRC今天提前预告了将在10月12日公布的10月份安全公告列表,10月也将是个补丁满天飞的日子,微软将给Windows(含Win7、Vista)、 Internet Explorer浏览器、Microsoft Office及.net框架发布多达16个补丁,修复49个漏洞,其中4个补丁为“危急”等级,10个为“重要”,两个“中等”,您可以访问ANS概述页面提前了解情况准备部署。


  Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for October 2010

  Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification issued: October 7, 2010
  Microsoft Security Bulletins to be issued: October 12, 2010

  This is an advance notification of security bulletins that Microsoft is intending to release on October 12, 2010.

  This bulletin advance notification will be replaced with the October bulletin summary on October 12, 2010. For more information about the bulletin advance notification service, see Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification.

  To receive automatic notifications whenever Microsoft Security Bulletins are issued, subscribe to Microsoft Technical Security Notifications.

  Microsoft will host a webcast to address customer questions on these bulletins on October 13, 2010, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada). Register now for the October Security Bulletin Webcast. After this date, this webcast is available on-demand. For more information, see Microsoft Security Bulletin Summaries and Webcasts.

  Microsoft also provides information to help customers prioritize monthly security updates with any non-security, high-priority updates that are being released on the same day as the monthly security updates. Please see the section, Other Information.

